Here is a list of some classes I’ve taken (or plan to take) at UC Berkeley.
Fall 2024
- EE 194: IC Design Project: 16nm SoC for IoT (Bringup Course)
- EE 194-2: Introduction to Nanorobotics
- Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science
Spring 2024
- EE 194: IC Design Project: 16nm SoC for IoT (Tapeout Course)
- CS 152: Computer Architecture and Engineering
- CS 370: Adaptive Instruction Methods in Computer Science
Fall 2023
- CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems
- CS 161: Computer Security
- EPS 109: Computer Simulations with Jupyter Notebooks
Spring 2023
- CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory
- EECS 151: Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits (with FPGA lab)
- Physics 7B: Engineering Physics (Electricity and Magnetism)
- Decal: Hands-On PCB Engineering
Fall 2022
- CS 61C: Machine Structures
- EECS 16B: Designing Information Devices and Systems II
(Intro to LinAlg/ML/Circuits)
- Physics 7A: Engineering Physics (Kinematics)
- CS 195: Social Implications of Computer Technology
Spring 2022
- CS 61B: Data Structures
- EECS 16A: Designing Information Devices and Systems I
- EE 39: Hands-on-Ham Radio Seminar
Fall 2021
- CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- EE 24: Berkeley Low Cost Interplanetary Solar Sail (BLISS) Seminar
- Decal: Linux System Administration - Beginner